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MyEye is an innovative product created in Wakala’s Research and Development laboratories with the ambitious goal of assisting visually impaired people in performing everyday actions in real time, acting as a proper electronic/digital eye.

App myEye e smart glasses

The Solution.

The solution consists of the following software/hardware components:

  1. SmartGlasses: Image acquisition/processing peripheral with dedicated computing power. The hardware acts as an electronic/digital eye for the blind person, exploiting the integrated camera for capturing images and the integrated microphone for capturing voice commands;

  2. SmartGlasses App: Application that communicates directly with the smart-glass hardware and then retrieves and processes images in real time;

  3. Caretaker App: An application installed on the smartphone of the blind person (also known as a caretaker) that has the task of carrying out all those operations that are burdensome or not executable on smartglasses due to both software and hardware limitations;
  4. Caregiver App: Application that will be installed on the smartphone of the caregiver, i.e. the person identified for remote assistance of the blind person (family member, friend or other person).


The project identifies and serves two types of users:

  • Caretaker: the blind person who will use the solution to request remote assistance via voice commands while sharing a continuous stream of images that coincide with what his or her eye would see;

  • Caregiver: the person delegated to provide remote assistance (relative, friend, acquaintance, professional) who receives the request for assistance, views the images that the caretaker is currently viewing and communicates with them in real time to provide the necessary support.
My eye flow

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V.le Bartolomeo Cavaceppi 113 - 00127 Roma P.IVA 13134811002

Wakala Srl, as the Data Controller for the processing and storage of data in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR 679/2016, has appointed Dr. Antonello Dionisi as Data Protection Officer with full functions as disposed by the current legislation on the subject. The D.P.O. can be freely reached at the email: dpo@hideea.com.

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